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The goal of walk4future is to reach out to many people who are concerned but not as much as to change their buying behavior. This is the vast majority of people. We are writing January 18 and who hasn’t already forgotten about one or another thing he or she wanted to change this year?

It’s not easy to change, because it means to create new habits. And new habits are only created over time and only if they seem to bring us something more – more pleasure, more ease, more money, whatever… but in any case, humans are creatures of habits and in our rich, free worlds, we are pleasure seekers.

And there is nothing wrong with that, only that the pleasure we seek is often of that material type that harms the planet. This is why it makes sense to develop new habits, without loosing the fun.

Change is a direct result of new habits.

Martina Gleissenebner-Teskey

I have started my career as a personal brand coach in 1996 after developing the “Charisma Concept”. It consists of three elements:

  1. becoming aware (= mind)
  2. starting to act accordingly (= body)
  3. getting feedback from the environment, leading to reflection and improvement of element 2, the acting part

It all comes down to action. But not action because of action, but action on the foundations of always greater awareness.

Mind – Body – Environment – Body – Mind and so forth.
That’s the process, that’s the spiral of learning and living.

What we again and again forget about in that circle is the element intrinsic to progress but not explicitly named:

4. Consistency

To evolve personally, to learn or to un-learn (!) something, it is not enough to just repeat the circle once, twice or three times. It needs to be an ongoing repetition until it feels like sleeping or waking up: it happens automatically.

Some studies have written about 10.000 hours of exercising to create a new habit. But then again, there is also that number 10.000 when it comes to steps that you should take daily to stay fit and healthy. Which is, blankly said, complete rubbish. I am a person that walks a lot and still, I have a hard time to reach 10.000 steps a day. I don’t know who can, who is not a professional “walker” ;-).

Also, the learning curve differs substantially from person to person. Learning gets better and quicker when it is your habit.

Change is a direct result of new habits.

Achieving the Critical Mass

The only possible way to bring about change is when a “critical mass” of people adopts new behaviour. The critical mass differs according to the change you seek and in which field. In a small company, it maybe takes just one person in addition to the “boss”.

In large corporations it needs a learning plan towards change in all connected companies and at least on one level – not necessarily the top level. It can also be implemented in the factories.

When it comes to wanting to change ways of consumption, it could be sufficient if only 10% of the people now buying fast fashion would change their buying behaviour.

Just think of it! The Fast Fashion sector  is growing by 10% and more per year. (Source: Fast Fashion Statistics 2024). What if 10% of people buying at a specific brand regulary would abstain from it for a quarter of a year? That’s only 90 days! But the decrease in revenue would be tangible.

If fast fashion companies would see a decrease in revenue in the next quarter, and the next, and the next,… What would happen? They would surely feel the power of their costumers, wouldn’t they?

THAT’S the only power of the people: the power of money!

  • Where do I put my money?
  • Where do I spend my money?

Those are the OLD QUESTIONS that need a NEW ANSWER.

And if you are – like the majority! – answering those questions in an impulsive, desire-driven way, buying always too much, spending your money again and again in ways that harm your purse and the planet, then you are in the right place to change that and build a new habit which is better for you and for all.

WALK4FUTURE 2 will help you create new habits – without losing the joy of fashion and self-expression.

So stay tuned for the action to come!

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